This article provides various reference tables, which are useful for performing chemical experiments and solving related problems.
A chemistry reference table gives valuable information, which is arranged in a systematic manner. They are very useful for comparing and finding values, and concluding the results of various chemical reactions. Such tables make your task easy, as you don’t want to cram up your mind with the standard values. Given below are various reference tables useful for chemistry students.
D = density
m = mass
ppm = parts per million
V = volume
K = Kelvin
P = pressure
Pa = Pascal
R = gas constant
T = temperature
M = molarity
n = number of moles
q = quantity of heat energy
CPD = compound
CF = chemical formula
MP= melting point
BP = boiling point
Dec = decompose
Constants | Value | Unit |
Heat of fusion of water (Hf) | 334 | J/g |
Heat of vaporization of water (Hv) | 2260 | J/g |
Specific heat of water (Cp) for ice | 2.05 | J/(g 0C) |
Specific heat of water (Cp) for steam | 2.02 | J/(g 0C) |
Specific heat of water (Cp) for liquid | 4.18 | J/(g 0C) |
Avogadro’s number (NA) | 6.022 x 1023 | particles / mole |
Gas constant (R) | 0.0821 | L atm / mole K |
Standard pressure | 760 | mmHg |
Standard temperature | 273 | K |
Planck constant (h) | 1.05457266 x 10-34 | Js |
Boltzmann constant (kB) | 1.380658 x 10-23 | J/K |
Speed of light (c) | 2.99792458 x 108 | m/s |
Faraday constant (F) | 9.64846 x 104 | C / mol |
Number of Carbon Atoms | Prefix |
1 | “meth-“ |
2 | “eth-“ |
3 | “prop-“ |
4 | “but-“ |
5 | “pent-“ |
6 | “hex-“ |
7 | “hept-“ |
8 | “oct-“ |
9 | “non-“ |
10 | “dec-“ |
Name of Acid | Chemical Formula |
Acetic acid | CH3COOH or HC2H3O2 |
Carbonic acid | H2CO3 |
Phosphoric acid | H3PO4 |
Sulfuric acid | H2SO4 |
Nitric acid | HNO3 |
Hydrochloric acid | HCl |
CPD | CF | D | MP °C | BP °C |
Ethanol | CH3CH2OH | 0.7893 g/cm3 | -119 | 79 |
Glucose | C6H12O6 | 1.54 g/cm3 | 86 | Dec |
Hexane | C6H14 | 0.6603 g/cm3 | -95 | 69 |
Methane | CH4 | 0.716 g/L | -182 | -164 |
Methanol | CH3OH | 0.7914 g/cm3 | -94 | 65 |
Sucrose | C12H22O11 | 1.27 g/cm3 | 86 | Dec |
CPD | D | MP °C | BP °C |
Chlorine | 3.21 g/L | -101 | -35 |
Hydrogen | 0.0899 g/L | -259 | -253 |
Hydrogen Chloride | 1.640 g/L | -115 | -85 |
Hydrogen Sulfide | 1.54 g/L | -85 | -61 |
Nitrogen | 1.34 g/L | -210 | -196 |
Nitrogen Monoxide | 1.34 g/L | -164 | -152 |
Oxygen | 1.43 g/L | -218 | -183 |
s-block | Transition Elements d- block |
p-block | Nobel Element |
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
1 | 1 H 1.0079 |
1 He 4.0026 |
2 | 3 Li 6.941 |
4 Be 9.0122 |
5 B 10.811 |
6 C 12.011 |
7 N 14.007 |
8 O 15.999 |
9 F F 18.998 |
10 Ne 20.180 |
3 | 11 Na 22.990 |
12 Mg 24.305 |
13 Al 26.982 |
14 Si 28.086 |
15 P 30.974 |
16 S 32.066 |
17 Cl 35.453 |
18 Ar 39.948 |
4 | 19 K 39.098 |
20 Ca 40.078 |
21 Sc 44.956 |
22 Ti 47.867 |
23 V 50.942 |
24 Cr 51.996 |
25 Mn 54.938 |
26 Fe 55.845 |
27 Co 58.933 |
28 Ni 58.693 |
29 Cu 63.546 |
30 Zn 65.409 |
31 Ga 69.723 |
32 Ge 72.64 |
33 As 74.922 |
34 Se 78.96 |
35 Br 79.904 |
36 Kr 83.798 |
5 | 37 Rb 85.468 |
38 Sr 87.62 |
39 Y 88.906 |
40 Zr 91.224 |
41 Nb 92.906 |
42 Mo 95.94 |
43 Tc (98) |
44 Ru 101.07 |
45 Rh 102.91 |
46 Pd 106.42 |
47 Ag 107.87 |
48 Cd 112.41 |
49 In 114.82 |
50 Sn 118.71 |
51 Sb 121.76 |
52 Te 127.60 |
53 I 126.90 |
54 Xe 131.29 |
6 | 55 Cs 132.91 |
56 Ba 137.33 |
57 – 71 La-Lu |
72 Hf 178.49 |
73 Ta 180.95 |
74 W 183.84 |
75 Re 186.21 |
76 Os 190.23 |
77 Ir 192.22 |
78 Pt 195.08 |
79 Au 196.97 |
80 Hg 200.59 |
81 Tl 204.38 |
82 Pb 207.2 |
83 Bi 208.98 |
84 Po (209) |
85 At (210) |
86 Rn (222) |
7 | 87 Fr (223) |
88 Ra (226) |
89 -103 Ac-Lr (104) |
104 Rf (261) |
105 Db (262) |
106 Sg (266) |
107 Bh (264) |
108 Hs (277) |
109 Mt (268) |
110 Ds (281) |
111 Rg (272) |
Lanthanide | 57 La 138.91 |
58 Ce 140.12 |
59 Pr 140.91 |
60 Nd 144.24 |
61 Pm (145) |
62 Sm 150.36 |
63 Eu 151.96 |
64 Gd 157.25 |
65 Tb 158.93 |
66 Dy 162.50 |
67 Ho 164.93 |
68 Er 167.26 |
69 Tm 168.93 |
70 Yb 173.04 |
71 Lu 174.97 |
Actinide | 89 Ac (227) |
90 Th 232.04 |
91 Pa 231.04 |
92 U 238.03 |
93 Np (237) |
94 Pu (244) |
95 Am (243) |
96 Cm (247) |
97 Bk (247) |
98 Cf (251) |
99 Es (252) |
100 Fm (257) |
101 Md (258) |
102 No (259) |
103 Lr (262) |