Welding is a basic skill that can be useful in a number of situations. Read on to know more about the different types and techniques of welding...
Largest City in the World
This ScienceStruck article lists the largest cities in the world by area and population and the most populated metropolitan in the world as well.
Carbon Uses in Everyday Life
There are many different carbon uses in everyday life and this element has been used by man since time immemorial. Read on for more information on
Richter Scale Explained
We generally hear the term 'Richter scale' which is related to the topic of earthquakes. Some basic parameters of this scale include its measurement
Types of Alloys and Their Uses
We come across various alloy types during our day-to-day lives. They are all around us; in the utensils we use, decorative items around the house,
Statistics Help
There are websites specifically designed to provide statistics help online, that allow students to directly interact with professionals in the field
Worst Earthquake in History
One of the worst natural calamities is the earthquake, which can cause a widespread destruction to life and property. There are many places which have
The Hardest Math Problem in the World – See the Believe
Does your head start spinning at the mere sight of equations and calculators? Imagine trying to solve the hardest problem of mathematics in the world.
Natural and Man-made Examples of Homogeneous Mixture
The most common homogeneous mixture examples we come across in our day-to-day life are sugar and cement. Read on to know about the concept of