Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors in human history. He was famously dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" by a local journalist,
Facts About Thomas Edison That You Should Totally Bookmark
Edison's most famous inventions are the phonograph and the paradigm-shifting design of the electric light bulb. Contrary to popular misconception,
Interesting Facts About Tin That are Sure to Astound You
Latin name Stannum, atomic number 50 ... we are talking about tin. Read this ScienceStruck article for some interesting facts about tin.
In the Mind’s Eye: How do Optical Illusions Work?
What are optical illusions? With the help of colors, specific patterns, and light, images are created in a way such that the brain perceives them as
When was Electricity Discovered? Here’s the Entire Timeline
It is not exactly right to say that electricity was invented. We could say it was discovered and ways were devised to use it. Who discovered
These Names of Active Volcanoes are Sure to Leave You Spellbound
There are various types of volcanoes that are seen on Earth, Mars, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Although some remain dormant, there are many
Designer Babies
'Designer babies' is a term that was coined by journalists, not doctors, and is an uncomplimentary one to question the ethics and implications of
Incredible Facts About Mount Vesuvius You Wouldn’t Want to Miss
Studying the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius make for interesting reading, because it was the first volcano that produced an eyewitness account when it
The Surprising Pros of Animal Testing You Never Thought About
Animal testing has been a very controversial topic from the very beginning. The following ScienceStruck write-up enlists some of the pros of animal