If you are looking for guidelines on finding the density of an object from the knowledge of its total volume and mass, this article will be an insightful read. Here I shall present the density calculation formula and illustrate its usage with examples. Also provided is a density calculator which you will definitely find useful.
Matter manifests itself in various forms to create the world around us. Every object which is observed in your environment, comes with its unique set of physical and chemical properties. One of the most important physical properties of an object is its density.
What is Density?
Before I present you with the formula for calculation of density of any object, let me define this physical property precisely. Density is the amount of matter (or mass) that occupies the unit volume of any object. So the value of density will tell you how densely matter is stuffed in each unit volume of any object. This object need not be a solid. It may be a gas or a liquid too.
If you were to divide any object into small pieces of unit volume, the density would be the mass of each small piece. Everything is made up of molecules, which in turn are made up of atoms. So every object is created from the aggregation of atoms and molecules. Depending on how densely, the atoms and molecules bond together to create the object through aggregation, the density of objects varies. In the following lines, I will provide you with a generic formula for the calculation of density.
Formula For Density Calculation
So density is basically a ratio of the mass of the object to its volume. Here is the formula for density calculation.
Density = Total Mass / Total Volume
Since the SI unit for measurement of mass is Kilogram (Kg) and the unit for length is meter (m), the unit for measurement of density is Kg/m3
Finding the Density of an Object
After a look at the above formula, figuring out density calculation is simple enough. All you have to do is substitute the value of mass in Kg and kilogram in meter to get the density value in Kg/m. To be able to calculate volume, you need to know the appropriate volume formulas for various geometric objects. To know the mass, you can simply weigh the object on a scale. Let me illustrate the calculation method through an example.
Problem: The mass of a wooden cube, which is 2 meters in length, 2 meters in breadth and 2 meters in height is 16 Kg. Find the density of the wooden cube.
Solution: Volume of the Wooden Cube = 2 m x 2 m x 2 m = 8 m3
Mass of the object = 16 Kg
Therefore, Density of the Wooden Cube = 16 Kg / 8 m3 = 2 Kg /m3.
Density Calculator
Here is a density calculator which will give you the density of any object, if you provide information about the volume and mass of the object. Just enter the mass value of the object in kilograms and then enter the volume value in cubic meter, to get the density value in Kg/m3.
Once you know the mass and the exact volume of the object, calculating density is just a matter of carrying out a single division operation. Using the density calculator provided above, you can easily calculate the density of any object. Just make sure that you enter the values in the right units which are kilogram for mass and cubic meter for volume.