Converting decimal numbers into Roman numbers might seem difficult. But, this article will help you in doing just that in a simple yet effective way.
We all must have seen the Roman numbers on our watches or clock faces, list items, chapter headings, copyright dates, or may be the titles of films with sequels. But, we seldom think about the history of Roman numerals. Let’s travel back in time and try to trace the origin of Roman numerals.
History of Roman Numerals
The history of Roman numbers dates back to the 1st millennium BCE when they were used to record numbers on stones, coins, or in some art form. Records have been found which confirm that they were used by ancient Etruscan. Roman numerals have originated in ancient Rome where they were used in their numeral system. They were also used to number the entrances of the various sections of the Colosseum which was built around 80 CE. Many historians contend that the digits in the Roman numerals are related to the hand signals made by one person to another. For example, I, II, III correspond to the fingers held up to convey the corresponding value (which we all still do). Now, let us try to understand as to how to read these numerals.
Roman Numerals Conversion
Roman numerals use certain letters of the alphabet which are combined to form the sum or difference of their values. This system does not include a zero and the decimal is not directly positional. The numerals are based on seven symbols. I for unit, V for five, X for ten, etc. Seven basic symbols have been given below:
Symbol | Value |
I | One |
V | Five |
X | Ten |
L | Fifty |
C | One Hundred |
D | Five Hundred |
M | One Thousand |
Large Roman Numerals Conversion Chart
For large numbers, i.e., 4000 and above, a bar is placed above the basic symbol. Another way to represent large numbers is to place parentheses around the basic symbol.
Symbol | Value |
V or (V) | Five Thousand |
X or (X) | Ten Thousand |
L or (L) | Fifty Thousand |
C or (C) | One Hundred Thousand |
D or (D) | Five Hundred Thousand |
M or (M) | One Million |
This pattern can be extrapolated to arrive at this generic table:
x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | |
Ones | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX |
Tens | X | XX | XXX | XL | L | LX | LXX | LXXX | XC |
Hundreds | C | CC | CCC | CD | D | DC | DCC | DCCC | CM |
Thousands | M | MM | MMM | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX |
Ten Thousands | X | XX | XXX | XL | L | LX | LXX | LXXX | XC |
Hundred Thousands | C | CC | CCC | CD | D | DC | DCC | DCCC | CM |
Learning Roman Numerals
Some people (in fact most of us) might find the above tables difficult to remember. So, here is a ‘Mantra’ that will help you remember the chart for a very long time.
‘My Dear Cousin Loves Xmas Vacations’
My | M | 1000 |
Dear | D | 500 |
Cousin | C | 100 |
Loves | L | 50 |
Xmas | X | 10 |
Vacations | V | 5 |
Roman Numerals 1 to 100 Chart
Now, if you want a list of 1 – 100 Roman numerals, take a look at the conversion chart which is given below for your reference.
1 | I | 11 | XI | 21 | XXI | 31 | XXXI | 41 | XLI | 51 | LI | 61 | LXI | 71 | LXXI | 81 | LXXXI | 91 | XCI |
2 | II | 12 | XII | 22 | XXII | 32 | XXXII | 42 | XLII | 52 | LII | 62 | LXII | 72 | LXXII | 82 | LXXXII | 92 | XCII |
3 | III | 13 | XIII | 23 | XXIII | 33 | XXXIII | 43 | XLIII | 53 | LIII | 63 | LXIII | 73 | LXXIII | 83 | LXXXIII | 93 | XCIII |
4 | IV | 14 | XIV | 24 | XXIV | 34 | XXXIV | 44 | XLIV | 54 | LIV | 64 | LXIV | 74 | LXXIV | 84 | LXXXIV | 94 | XCIV |
5 | V | 15 | XV | 25 | XXV | 35 | XXXV | 45 | XLV | 55 | LV | 65 | LXV | 75 | LXXV | 85 | LXXXV | 95 | XCV |
6 | VI | 16 | XVI | 26 | XXVI | 36 | XXXVI | 46 | XLVI | 56 | LVI | 66 | LXVI | 76 | LXXVI | 86 | LXXXVI | 96 | LCVI |
7 | VII | 17 | XVII | 27 | XXVII | 37 | XXXVII | 47 | XLVII | 57 | LVII | 67 | LXVII | 77 | LXXVII | 87 | LXXXVII | 97 | XCVII |
8 | VIII | 18 | XVIII | 28 | XXVIII | 38 | XXXVIII | 48 | XLVIII | 58 | LVIII | 68 | LXVIII | 78 | LXXVIII | 88 | LXXXVIII | 98 | XCVIII |
9 | IX | 19 | XIX | 29 | XXIX | 39 | XXXIX | 49 | XLIX | 59 | LIX | 69 | LXIX | 79 | LXXIX | 89 | LXXXIX | 99 | XCIX |
10 | X | 20 | XX | 30 | XXX | 40 | XL | 50 | L | 60 | LX | 70 | LXX | 80 | LXXX | 90 | XC | 100 | C |
Printable Roman Numerals Chart for Kids
Now, kids often get assignments regarding Roman numerals. Given below is a link containing a chart. Click on the link given below, save the file, and take a printout.
Click to Download Free Printable Roman Numerals Chart.
So, in the above article we learned about the history of Roman numerals, their conversion, and we also saw the symbols from 1 to 100. Hoping that this article will prove to be useful to you. You can save the Roman numerals chart for your further reference and can also take a printout. If you liked the above article, spare a few seconds and leave a comment in the comment box below.