Building project display boards is one of the last steps students take before attending a science fair. By using high-quality materials and following specific guidelines, project judges will have an easier time understanding your information.
A successful project board provides a visual depiction of how the student developed her experiment idea, conducted the experiment, gathered and presented data using tables or charts, then collected further data through analysis and presentation of results.
Locating the appropriate frame can make your project stand out from the competition. From tri-fold display boards and wall-mounted versions, both offer affordable and lightweight transportation options that you can take anywhere with you.
Layouts that provide optimal science fair project boards should be visually balanced using visual elements, and should convey all necessary information without becoming overwhelming or chaotic.
An academic project should include clear graphs and tables in coordinating colors, as well as images depicting all steps taken during an experiment as well as close-ups of some of its most noteworthy results. Furthermore, reading text from top to bottom and left to right tends to be easier – therefore try organizing sections this way.
Project display boards are three-sided corrugated boards designed to help students communicate the details of their science experiments to an audience. These self-standing displays should come in different styles.
Text portions of a display board should detail how an experiment was carried out and any significant observations made, along with any non-numerical data such as diagrams or sketches that demonstrate your work. Furthermore, include any literature citations to support your conclusions.
Graphs and pictures can add visual interest to your project, while not overshadowing its words. When selecting fonts to go with graphics, bold fonts should not be distracting or difficult to read; ensure all charts or photos are labeled clearly for best results and show judges that you understand your project effectively and can communicate it clearly.
Science fair projects often use large tri-fold display boards. Before choosing your board size, be sure to consult either your science fair guidelines or with your teacher in order to make sure it will suit the task at hand.
Color construction paper can help make your project board even more eye-catching, while photos, graphs and charts add visual interest to explain information more effectively and keep readers engaged with the material presented.
If your project is complex, if applicable you should provide a layman’s summary that presents results in language that anyone could understand – this can especially come in handy if the judges are non-scientists or adults. Make headings easier to read at distance by choosing larger font sizes for headings on your board.
An effective science fair project display board is essential for its success. It should present your project problem or question, how you solved it and the results of your investigation, while remaining visually appealing and user-friendly.
An important element of any science fair project board should include visual aids like graphs, charts, photos and diagrams in order to simplify complex information while making your work more visually stimulating for viewers. These visuals can make the entire experience of viewing more enjoyable for participants.
Photos and diagrams should be used to present non-numerical data, propose models that explain your results or demonstrate your experimental setup. Keep in mind, however, that text placed directly over photographs or images can be difficult to read; opt for self-standing display boards such as this instead.
Remember to format your display board so it is easily legible for judges, including an easy to read title for your project that communicates its essence.
As people tend to read posters and display boards from left to right and top to bottom, it is also beneficial to organize your information in an order that makes sense for readers and judges alike. This will make scoring your project much simpler!
iClickn’Print makes customizing each section easy with customizable text boxes and clip art ready to be added, including fonts and colors that can be previewed instantly; text can even be resized and moved around quickly without difficulty.