5th grade is an ideal age to begin engaging in hands-on science experiments that will excite young scientists. Such experiments will foster curiosity, nurture a love of learning, and spark their scientific creativity.
Help them select a topic of their own choosing, then empower them to design an experiment and take ownership over its results. This will make it much more likely that they perform good science and appreciate its significance.
1. Hydrophobic Sand
Fifth graders will love this hands-on science activity! Create their own Magic Sand, an alternative type of beach sand that doesn’t absorb moisture.
This sand has been covered with trimethylhydroxysilane, a water-repelling material. This mimics what occurs naturally, when organic acids coat soil particles to make them hydrophobic and thus reduce evaporation while enabling plants to absorb more moisture.
2. Polymers
Polymers are natural and synthetic substances composed of long chains composed of multiple units known as monomers that make up large molecules. Polymers make up many natural materials like proteins and cellulose as well as man-made ones like paper, plastics and rubbers.
Aid students in grasping this crucial science concept with a fun experiment using everyday household items. Be available to answer questions as necessary but allow your students to form their own hypotheses and conduct independent trials.
3. Soap Bubbles
Students can quickly grasp various scientific concepts through this engaging 5th grade science fair project. Ideal for exploring states of matter, gravity and energy; students will enjoy this experiment!
Soap bubbles form into spheres due to having the lowest surface area for holding in air, as well as showing iridescence caused by light wave interference on their thin soap film surface.
4. Chain Fountain
This experiment uses chromatography to investigate how colors are separated, providing students with a solid introduction to chemistry concepts.
This experiment showcases the Mould Effect in action. It disproves Mould’s 2013 theory that chains require space and time for turning, while showing instead that centripetal forces cause chain movement. It provides an easy way for students to gain exposure to physics and kinetic energy concepts.
5. Volcano
5th graders enjoy hands-on science experiments that make an impressionful statement about earth science, physics, biology and chemistry – not to mention other related disciplines such as music or visual arts! These impressive demonstrations help them gain valuable knowledge.
Volcanoes may be best known for their destructive power, but they’re also capable of creating many useful things. Volcanic ash enriches soil while creating islands which serve as rest stops during long sea journeys.
Discover the different states of matter with this interactive experiment that shows how air bubbles respond to magnetism.
6. Plate Tectonics
Plate tectonics is the theory that all Earth’s land and water rest upon large moving pieces of rock. This revolutionized Earth science by providing an understandable context for mountain building processes, volcanoes, earthquakes and reconstructing past continents and oceans.
This theory provides an explanation for why one piece of continental lithosphere slides over another at divergent plate boundaries and why new oceanic crust forms along rift zones, in addition to explaining why Pangaea split apart into its component continents.
7. Arches
Arches are essential architectural features, adding beauty and strength to both buildings and bridges. Thanks to their sturdy curved structures that span an opening while evenly dispersing weight distribution, arches make up part of an effective construction solution.
Students can gain knowledge in states of matter and energy science with this exciting experiment that explores how a bubble’s shape affects its speed. Kids may even use this fun activity as part of their class competition!
8. Eggshells
Eggshells don’t just end up as waste in landfills – instead, eggshells have many great uses ranging from making houseplants sturdier and neutralizing coffee’s bitter taste, making sidewalk chalk, to providing nesting spots for birds in your garden! Their nutritional content offers endless applications.
Utilize these 5th grade science experiments to help your children gain a greater understanding of the way the world operates and gain valuable skills they’ll use in later years. Not only will your kids have fun but will gain practical skills they’ll use throughout life!
9. Trampoline
Jumping helps children develop motor skills, balance, and coordination – as well as release those mood-boosting endorphins!
Conduct experiments to examine soil erosion. Witness plant decomposition for its fascinating discoveries. Utilize chromatography to divide leaf colors. Construct an Archimedes screw. Enter a balloon race. Put engineering skills to the test with this ball-run challenge!
10. Solar Oven
Science fair experiments can be an empowering experience for elementary-school children. By engaging their minds through hands-on STEM challenges, these events foster curiosity and foster passion for learning.
Unlock the secrets of fall leaves with this simple technique. Showcase surface tension through this paperclip floats demo. Study how conditions affect plant growth or learn genetics with this DNA extraction project.